
Tag: SEO


Benefits Of Evergreen Blog Content

Benefits Of Evergreen Blog Content

You may have heard that evergreen content is the key to boosting your business’ success
online. In this article, we’ll tell you exactly what evergreen content is, why it’s so important for
the success of content marketing, and how to write high-quality, always-green content that
drives traffic to your blog month after month. Spoiler, we’re not talking about trees!

What does evergreen mean in content marketing?

Neil Patel talks about the benefits of evergreen content marketing and how brands have seen
astronomical success from content repurposing and adopting an evergreen content marketing
strategy. In fact, one company’s traffic grew a whopping 1,800% when it started focusing more
on maintaining its old content.

But what exactly is evergreen content? In short, it’s search-optimized content that, as its name
suggests, always remains up-to-date and relevant. This might be a blog post on how to lose
weight, an article on the best beaches in Ibiza, or a delicious brownie recipe. It doesn’t matter
when you write it – as long as you update it whenever it may become necessary – and the good
news is that most evergreen content requires very little effort to update.
Evergreen content can slot into your content marketing strategy alongside other types of
content. This could be blog posts about trending topics, seasonal content like a list of the best
Christmas gift ideas for 2023, or other time-sensitive content. While these other types of content
can still add value, evergreen content has the potential to bring traffic to your site for many
months or even years into the future, keeping your readers coming back for more.

Why is evergreen content so important for the success of content

A good content marketing strategy relies on a catalogue of evergreen content like blog posts.
These evergreen posts don’t disappear from the web shortly after they are published in the so-

called “spike of hope”, as discussed by ahrefs on their free blogging for business course. The
“spike of hope” is the name given to the situation when, shortly after publishing a piece of
content, you see the stats start to grow and believe that growth will last forever. Unfortunately,
though, like many of us have experienced in the past, those views and website visits often drop,
and don’t return to the same level again. That’s one reason why evergreen content is so
important. As long as your content remains relevant over time, your business can stay relevant
even in the face of a decline in search engine traffic.

Not all of the content you create needs to be evergreen, even though you know it might keep
interest going over time. Seasonal and trending content can be useful, too, and it
certainly shouldn’t be ignored. But when it comes to keeping your older content up-to-date, to
help you know where to focus your efforts, it’s important to be able to identify the articles that
would benefit most from an update.

Start by looking at content that provides your audience with valuable information that they can
watch or read over and over again. You want this content to be a source of quality, in-depth
information so that customers will save it in the knowledge that they will always find their
answers on your site bookmarks.

In addition to reeling in continuous web traffic, evergreen content that optimizes conversions
also has the ability to generate continuous leads. One of the most important benefits of having
evergreen content on your business blog is that it can direct traffic to your website for months or
even years after it was published, which can greatly improve your position in search results.
And the higher you appear in search results, the more trustworthy you appear to
potential customers.

Since evergreen content really has no expiry date, search engines can consistently extract
certain parts of it depending on what people are searching for – as long as you incorporate
targeted keywords into your copy. If your website is all about health and fitness, for example,
then your audience is probably always looking for ‘good leg exercises’ at any time of the year,
so you should consider creating smart, always-green content on the subject.

How to write high-quality, always-green content

Now you know how evergreen content can benefit your business, you’re probably wondering
how to write it. Here are our top tips to get you started!
The first and most important thing to do before you get started is to ask yourself “what is my
audience looking for?” Understanding them is key, so it might be worth conducting some
research before you invest loads of time into writing your evergreen articles. How-to posts and
practical guides are always great options, so you could pop a poll on your social media pages
asking your followers what they would like to learn about most, for example.

Once you know what sort of thing your target audience are likely to be interested in, you can
make a start on writing your content. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is really important here
– the entire point of evergreen content is to drive web traffic, and without incorporating the right
keywords, you’ll struggle to achieve that. But good SEO is about more than just keywords – you
need to make sure your content is unique and valuable to your readers, and not just a re-hash
of your competitors’ posts. Plus, it’s important to make sure it’s still digestible, so keep in mind
that you’re writing for humans first, and search engines second!

Another thing to consider is how you write evergreen posts compared to other types of content.
Remember that people who are searching for typical evergreen topics like ‘how to’ articles are
unlikely to be well-versed in the topic in question. So, you should bear this in mind when you’re
writing – explain things in simple terms, and keep it in an easy-to-digest format. Infographics
can be really useful here, but even something as simple as splitting longer paragraphs into
chunks of three or four sentences is a good move.

Once your content is written and published, all you’ll need to do is keep it updated. Some
evergreen content will require very little – or even no – updates. It all depends on the topic in
question. If you’re writing about the best time to visit Iceland, for example, it’ll probably be pretty
static content – the weather is the same year after year. But if you’re writing a blog about best
SEO practices, you’ll probably need to revisit it quite often because technology is forever
changing, and Google is always releasing new updates. That doesn’t mean you’ll need to re-
write it every time, though – usually, adding new information or changing any parts that are
outdated is all that’s needed.

The bottom line

Evergreen content – content that doesn’t have an expiry date – is an important part of any good
content marketing strategy, because it has the potential to keep bringing search traffic back to
your website for many years after it’s published. To nail your evergreen content, find out what
your audience want to know and give them that information in simple terms. Just don’t forget to
incorporate plenty of relevant keywords into it, too.

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Why you should launch your website faster for SEO…

Why you should launch your website faster for SEO gains

If you’re in the startup world, you’ve likely heard the classic quote from Reid Hoffman goes, “If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late”. While there are some nuances to this, when it comes to your website, for the most part there’s a lot of merit in this.

When it comes to web design, launching fast and adapting quickly can sometimes be the best thing you can do. This approach to web design is often referred to as growth driven website design. 

Growth-driven website design is a relatively new approach to website design that focuses on continuously improving a website over time, based on ongoing feedback and data analysis. Traditional website design, on the other hand, involves spending a lot of time upfront creating a website that is intended to remain static for a long period of time. In this blog post, we’ll explore why growth-driven website design is better than traditional website design and how you can reap the SEO rewards for taking this approach.

Why It’s Important to Launch Your Website Quickly

Search engines like Google use complex algorithms to determine how to rank websites in search results. One factor that search engines consider is the age and authority of a website. Websites that are older and have established authority in their niche are more likely to rank higher in search results. By launching your website quickly, you can start building your website’s authority and increase your chances of ranking higher in search results. If you launch a year earlier than planned, that’s a full year of extra time to gain domain authority, even if the website isn’t perfect. It’s important to remember that, if you’re not actively marketing your website, your website likely won’t get any meaningful traffic the day, week or month it’s launched. So don’t panic, your first iteration isn’t going to be seen and rejected by the world before you’ve had the chance to perfect it. 

Here are some benefits of launching your website quickly:

Faster Indexing by Search Engines: Search engines like Google can take several weeks or even months to index a new website. By launching your website quickly, you can get it indexed faster and start showing up in search results sooner.

Quicker Building of Website Authority: As your website ages, it will gradually gain authority in your niche. By launching your website quickly, you can start building authority sooner and increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Create domain credibility: Through creating blog content before you launch the site you’re able to ensure when you do go live your first site visitors are able to see you as a thought leader and someone credible in the space you occupy. 

Why Blogging is Crucial for SEO

In addition to launching your website quickly, blogging is another important factor in improving your website’s SEO. Blogging involves creating regular, high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience. Here’s why blogging is crucial for SEO:

Provides Fresh Content: Search engines prioritise fresh and informative content. By regularly blogging, you can provide search engines with new content to index, which can help improve your search rankings. We recommend blogging regularly and consistently, rather than publishing a big backlog all in one go or posting intermittently when you remember. Consistency is king, and keeps feeding those hungry search engines.

Keyword-Rich Pages: Blogging also provides an opportunity to include relevant keywords on your website. By including keywords that your target audience is searching for, you can increase your chances of showing up in search results for those keywords.

Examples of Successful Blogs: There are numerous examples of successful blogs that have helped improve SEO rankings. For instance, HubSpot’s blog has helped the company generate significant organic traffic, which has contributed to its growth as a leading marketing software company. You’ll also find they’re big advocates of content marketing, as they know how well it works for big and small businesses alike.

The Advantages of Growth-Driven Website Design for Launching Quickly and Blogging

Growth-driven website design offers several advantages over traditional website design for launching quickly and blogging to improve SEO. Here are some of the advantages:

Quick and Iterative Changes: Growth-driven website design allows for quick and iterative changes to a website. Instead of spending months or years perfecting a website before launching it, growth-driven website design involves launching a minimal viable product (MVP) quickly and making ongoing improvements based on feedback and data analysis. This is important, as the reality is it’s unlikely people will engage with your website and products the way you think they will. By launching quickly and adapting as you go, you’re able to essentially build with your audience, rather than building for them.

Start Blogging Sooner: With growth-driven website design, you can start blogging sooner and begin reaping the SEO benefits of fresh content and keyword-rich pages.

What does the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of a website with a blog look like? 

This article would be useless if we didn’t provide you with an overview on how to launch your website as early as possible. 

The answer is ultimately…it depends, which is rubbish, we know but bare with us.  

There are several factors that need to be considered. The first thing you need to think about is how complex your website is going to be. The second part to consider is whether your product is genuinely novel or something that is in a fairly mature space. An example of this is blog writing. 

When Blog Writing Services UK was launched, it was not a novel idea, that didn’t already exist. Other companies already existed doing exactly what we do (just not quite as well, of course). So, our website didn’t have to be geared around creating awareness of something that didn’t exist. Additionally, as our website isn’t highly technical, nor does it need to host thousands of different products, we could start with a fairly simple MVP website.

Our formula for the MVP for our site was something along the lines:

Keyword research (similar terms to competitors etc.,) + landing page + some blog posts covering different levels of awareness (beginner, intermediate & advanced) = MVP. 

So, we’ve seen it’s fairly simple to launch your website when your product is in an established space. What if your product is something revolutionary? Are you an entrepreneur who has found the next big thing, and you’re working on your business to ensure it is ready to go before your site launch?

The formula can remain the same, as you’ll still need a landing page as well as blog content. However, the awareness level you create the blog content for and the keywords you target will differ.

Let’s use an example, say we’re creating a new and revolutionary approach to benchmarking that can only be lightly considered as benchmarking. The modifications to our formula could be as follows:

Keyword research – If the product is revolutionary, people likely are not searching for the solution at current. So it’s about targeting keywords that are related, or similar in a way to the problem you are aiming to solve. This then enables you to utilise these keywords across the site in ways such as writing pages/posts around your offering vs the most similar offerings. 

Awareness level – Your blog content is likely going to need to be aimed at helping users understand what your product is and how it solves their problem. Again this isn’t really required if selling something like shoes, as we all know we need to wear them, so the awareness level is high. But for something totally new, you need to build that awareness and understanding.

Final Comparison of the Benefits of Growth-Driven Website Design versus Traditional Website Design for Improving SEO

While traditional website design may be suitable for some businesses, growth-driven website design offers several advantages for those looking to launch their website quickly and start blogging to improve SEO. By using a growth-driven approach, you can launch your website quickly, start blogging sooner, and make ongoing improvements to your website based on feedback and data analysis.

In conclusion, growth-driven website design is a more agile and adaptable approach to website design, while traditional website design is typically more focused on getting everything

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ChatGPT, Jasper, and Other AI Writing Services: Enhancing or…

ChatGPT, Jasper, and Other AI Writing Services: Enhancing or Replacing Human Writers?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years, with AI writing services like ChatGPT and Jasper making waves in the writing industry. These AI-powered writing tools are designed to assist human writers in generating text and making their jobs easier. However, there are concerns about AI replacing human writers. We know we probably sound a bit like Blockbuster before Netflix came and dominated. But hear us out (or read), on why we believe that AI writing services are not going to be replacing professional content writers any time soon. Even ChatGPT agrees with us, for now…

In this blog post, we will explore how AI writing services are designed to enhance human writing, not replace it. We will also examine the limitations of AI writing and why human writers are still essential in the writing industry. 

The Design of AI Writing Services

AI writing services like ChatGPT and Jasper are designed to aid human writers in generating text based on a given prompt or input. They use advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to analyse large datasets and generate coherent text that is similar in style and tone to human writing. AI writing services can generate articles, summaries, product descriptions, and much more in a fraction of the time it would take a human writer.

However, AI writing services are not designed to replace human writers. They are meant to be used as a tool to help writers save time and effort by generating text that would otherwise require extensive research and writing. The generated text can then be edited and improved by human writers who can add their own personal touch and unique perspective.

Limitations of AI Writing

While AI writing services are advanced, they are not perfect. AI writing does have limitations, and it is essential to understand these limitations to understand the role of human writers in the writing industry.

One of the main limitations of AI writing is that it follows a formulaic approach. AI writing services use algorithms to analyse large datasets and generate text based on patterns and relationships found in the data. This means that AI writing can only provide information that already exists, and it does not provide a new point of view or opinion. 

Try asking ChatGPT to write an article about horses and then one about rabbits, for example. If you keep everything in the input box the same, bar the animal, the article will follow the exact same format and formula with both, with the only variation being in the wording. Human writers, on the other hand, bring their own unique perspectives and opinions to the writing table, adding a new dimension to the text that AI writing simply cannot provide.

Another limitation of AI writing is that it lacks creativity and originality. AI writing services generate text based on existing data and cannot come up with new ideas or concepts. Contrastingly, human writers have the ability to think outside the box and come up with original and creative ideas that make their writing stand out and engage us as readers.

Examples of Where AI is Better

While AI writing has its limitations, it still has its strengths. Here are a few examples of where AI writing services excel:

  • Generating news summaries: AI writing services can analyse large amounts of data and generate a concise summary of the news in a matter of seconds.
  • Writing product descriptions: AI writing services can generate detailed and accurate product descriptions for hundreds of products in a short amount of time.
  • Writing repetitive content: AI writing services are ideal for writing repetitive content, such as product specifications, that require a lot of data entry.

Examples of Where Humans are Better

Despite the strengths of AI writing, there are still areas where human writers are better:

  • Creative writing: Human writers have the ability to think creatively and come up with original ideas, making them ideal for creative writing projects.
  • Opinion pieces: Human writers bring their unique perspectives and opinions to the table, making them ideal for writing opinion pieces.
  • Personalised content: Human writers have the ability to tailor their writing to a specific audience, making them ideal for writing personalised or branded content, rather than just regurgitation of information that already exists.

SEO – Will Search Engines Prioritise Human Content?

As more and more content is being generated by AI, search engines are facing the challenge of determining whether content is created by humans or by machines. This is important because search engines strive to provide the most relevant and useful results to users, and human-created content is generally considered to be more valuable and trustworthy than AI-generated content. 

One way that search engines can detect AI-generated content is by analyzing patterns and structures within the text. AI-generated content often follows a specific formula or pattern that can be detected by search engine algorithms. For example, an AI-generated news article may include a headline, a lead paragraph, and a few supporting paragraphs that contain key information. The text may also include certain phrases or keywords that are commonly used in news articles. By analyzing these patterns, search engines can identify content that is likely to have been created by AI.

Another way that search engines can detect AI-generated content is by analyzing the language and syntax used in the text. AI-generated content often lacks the nuances and subtleties of human language, which can make it stand out to search engine algorithms. For example, AI-generated content may use unnatural sentence structures or awkward phrasing that is less common in human-written content. By analyzing these linguistic patterns, search engines can identify content that is likely to have been generated by AI.

However, it is important to note that not all AI-generated content is created equal. Some AI models are becoming more sophisticated and are able to create content that is indistinguishable from human-written content.

To ensure that human-created content is prioritized in search results, search engines use a variety of techniques to identify high-quality, trustworthy content. For example, search engines may analyze the reputation of the website or author of the content, as well as the quality of the writing and the accuracy of the information presented. Search engines may also take into account user engagement metrics such as click-through rates, time on page, and bounce rates, as these metrics can indicate whether users find the content to be valuable and engaging. 

In addition, search engines are increasingly using natural language processing (NLP) techniques to better understand the meaning and context of the content on a webpage. By analysing the semantic meaning of the text, search engines can better understand the intent behind the content and provide more relevant search results. This can help prioritise human-created content that is more likely to provide valuable information to users.

Overall, while search engines face challenges in detecting AI-generated content, they are taking steps to prioritise high-quality human-created content in search results. As AI models continue to become more sophisticated, search engines will undoubtedly continue to innovate and improve to identify and evaluate content and how it was created. By prioritising human-created content, search engines can provide users with the most valuable and trustworthy information available.

Text classifiers are already openly available, including one created by Open AI themselves, which can be found here. During our testing every single article we submit that was created by AI was correctly identified. We also submitted a human generated content which was classified as ‘very unlikely AI-generated’. With this in mind, we have no doubt search engines like Google will likely do a good job of being able to detect AI generated content in the near future.

In addition, as ChatGPT and other AI systems us an AI language model, they do not have direct access to the internet. Instead, they rely on a pre-existing database of information that was compiled during it’s training period.

Will AI written content be penalised?

Google’s algorithms are a well guarded secret, and for most SEO’s complying with them is a combination of science and art. In 2022 it was believed that content generated by AI would be penalised, as highlighted in Search Engine Journal’s article on this. However, more recent articles conflict with this and suggest it wont. 

Right now we just don’t know for certain. However, what we believe will always be the same when it comes to ranking metrics, is high quality content that helps answer searchers questions. We typically believe that right now, this is better achieved by humans, who are able to be creative in their writing and display thought leadership through their content. And ultimately it’s impossible to be a thought leader as an AI, as it is only able to pull from existing information rather than to speak from a new or unique perspective.


In conclusion, AI writing services like ChatGPT and Jasper are designed to help, not replace, human writers. 

If you have a business blog and are just beginning your blogging journey, AI writing might be a good starting point for you. It will provide you with content quickly and at a low cost; with ChatGPT it’s free, although accessibility can be limited when demand exceeds capacity. We’d advise against simply publishing the content it creates, as if someone else enters the same input instructions as you, they will likely produce a very similar article and ultimately that’s not going to work in your favour or help you achieve your SEO goals. If using an AI tool, re-wording and tweaking is critical.

If you’re looking for content to be more personalised to your brand and audience and don’t have the time to re-word content created by an AI writer, then a blog writing service like ours might be a better fit.

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Can Blog Writing Services UK write for my niche?

Can Blog Writing Services UK write for my niche?

‘Can you cover my niche?’ is one of the most common questions we get asked at Blog Writing Services UK. And the short answer is yes, we can! 

If you’re interested in finding out about the huge range of industries we’ve worked within, and how we can offer blog content writing services for almost any niche, you’ll find all the answers right here in this article. 

Let’s get straight to it.

Vast industry experience

We know that some of the main reasons many business owners choose to start a blog are to build trust amongst potential customers and to establish authority in the marketplace. So, it’s no surprise that we often get asked if we have experience in a specific industry. We get it – your blog needs to prove that you really know your stuff.

From HR, finance and logistics to travel, sports and leisure – you name it, we’ve got a ghost blogging writer who’s worked in your field before. We’ve got writers with experience in industries that require a little more specialist knowledge, too, like artificial intelligence, augmented reality and IT. 

No matter which industry you’re in, our in-depth research process ensures that our writers get things spot on, first time. And, if that’s not enough, we’ve got a team of specialist writers to call on when that extra bit of industry-level experience is really important to you.

Professional writers vs specialist writers

Our team of professional writers are as highly skilled in the research side of things as they are in the writing side. That’s because we know that you need blog posts that are not only well-written but completely accurate.

As part of our briefing process – which we’ll delve into in a little more detail further down this article – you’ll have the chance to supply some sources for your writer to refer to when doing their research. The vast majority of article topics are therefore no problem for our experienced writers.

Occasionally, however, your subject matter will require a blog writer with a higher level of experience and understanding. That’s where our specialist writers come in. They’re not only top-notch content writers, but they’re also highly experienced in your industry or niche. 

A detailed approach to briefing

As a blog owner, you probably have a good idea of what you’re looking for and what you want to achieve. Our detailed briefing process is designed to capture your requirements perfectly. 

When you first sign up with us, we’ll get the ball rolling to completely understand you. This is your opportunity to tell us all about your business – what you do, who your ideal customers are, and the ins and outs of your brand’s tone of voice and style guidelines. We’ll dig a little deeper into your blog, too – you can tell us what you hope to achieve from it, and what you want your content to focus on.

And, for each individual blog post you request, we’ll ensure we perfectly capture your specific requirements. At this phase, you can tell us a little bit more about what you want to be included, and what information you’d like to feature in the introduction, main body and summary if you like. Don’t worry if you’re unsure – we’ll give you some helpful suggestions along the way. You can tell us which keywords to include, too. This is also where you can give us some links to other articles that your writer can use as a baseline. 

All of this means we get a well-rounded view of your business’ requirements. And that means we’ll be able to deliver exactly what you’re after, regardless of your niche.

A thorough review process

Our attention to detail doesn’t stop once your articles have been written. Before we send you your finished blog posts, they’ll be checked over by our editorial team to make sure they’re on brief. We’ll weed out any typos or spelling errors, too, so everything will be in ship shape. 

And, in the unlikely event that you’re not 100% happy with the finished article, we’ll be more than happy to take another look at it. We can make amends if necessary, as long as they fall within the scope of your original brief. The bottom line is, we’ll always do whatever we can to rectify any issues, so you can rest assured that your requirements will be met.

Honesty’s our policy

Despite our breadth of experience, there may be times when we’re unable to provide a writer who fits the bill. If we don’t feel confident that we can write for your industry or niche, we’ll always say so. We strive for long-term relationships with all of our clients, so we know it’s important to be clear right from the get-go. 

If you’re still unsure about whether or not we’re a good fit, we make trialling our service easy and economical. You can start off with as little as a single 500 word article for your first month, to dip your toes in the water. If you love it, you can increase your subscription, and if you don’t you can easily pause or cancel your subscription. If you’d like to check out some samples of our work before you jump feet first, head over to our blog writing samples, where we cover a range of industries from health to HR, so you can get a feel for the quality of our writing.

The bottom line

Our experienced team of writers have the knowledge and skills to create professional blog posts in almost any industry or niche. So, whatever you need, we’re confident that we can deliver it. 

Don’t just take our word for it, though – start your subscription today and try us out for yourself, or browse our FAQs to find out more.

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Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

No matter how big or small, new or established your business is, it is essential that you have a strong online presence. Ecommerce is already big business, but it is forecast to continue growing at an incredible rate. Conservative estimates suggest that the number of eCommerce users will have grown to nearly 274 million by 2025.

Online marketing is essential then, but the good news is that marketing tips for small businesses don’t have to be expensive. In fact, free marketing or affordable marketing approaches can work just as well as elaborate paid marketing campaigns. Here is a summary of the top ten tools, techniques and strategies for small businesses to help you market your business in the most effective and accessible way possible: 

Read more “Marketing Tips for Small Businesses”

Blog Writing: The Only Content Strategy Necessary for Organic…

Blog Writing: Organic Marketing 101

Blog Writing: The Only Content Strategy Necessary for Organic Marketing

There are eight main different types of online marketing. These are Search Engine Optimization, Pay-per-Click, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Marketing Analytics and Affiliate Marketing. Each of these types of online marketing can be divided into two broader categories: organic marketing and paid marketing. 

Read more “Blog Writing: The Only Content Strategy Necessary for Organic Marketing”

Everything you need to know about keyword cannibalisation

Everything you need to know about keyword cannibalisation

Cannibalisation? Hannibal? What the heck are we even on about.

Chances are if you’ve done a bit of blogging you’ve probably heard this term, however, if not keyword cannibalisation may be something you don’t have a clue about.
Either way, welcome to this blog where we are going to cover what cannibalisation is, how you can avoid it, and how to can check your site against it.

Read more “Everything you need to know about keyword cannibalisation”

Blog Writing Tips – Blogger, WordPress and Subdomains

Blog Writing Tips – Blogger, WordPress and Subdomains: Where is the Best Place to Host my Blog for SEO?

There are various ways to host a blog online. If you have started planning your content marketing strategy, you have likely already heard of Blogger, WordPress, sub-domains and sub-directories. But what are they really, how do they apply to you and your business and which is best for boosting Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)? In this article, we will explain the main differences between them and list the pros and cons of each so you can decide which is best for your blog.

Read more “Blog Writing Tips – Blogger, WordPress and Subdomains”