
Content repurposing with a twist


Content repurposing with a twist

Content repurposing with a twist

What do we mean by content repurposing

Repurposing content, also known as content recycling or content upcycling, simply means taking an already produced piece of content (article, video, audio) and reusing it somewhere else.

The most common and well-known method of content repurposing takes place through refreshing old blog posts, this means updating them, checking the links still work and that the content is still relevant, as well as refreshing to suit your keyword strategy. 

Recently, we were doing some content repurposing and one of the areas that caught our attention was the form in which content marketing is changing, especially in the last year. 

The Content Marketing Institute found that the most commonly used types of content used in the last 12 months were:

  • Blog posts (short articles)
  • Email newsletters
  • Video’s (pre-produced)
  • Infographics

Furthermore and interestingly, the survey found that long-form text i.e. articles that are greater than 3000+ words were the least commonly used type of content. In identifying this we discussed a little bit about whether long-form content is dying and may soon be a thing of the past.

In this article, we’re going to go through how to repurpose your blog content, be it short articles or long articles, so you can adapt your SEO content strategy accordingly and ensure your entire reader base is getting the most from it they can. 

Article writing and content repurposing using an audio 

In the UK, an average 6.5 million adults or 12% of the adult population use a podcast per week, couple this with the fact that now approximately 80% of adults are familiar with podcast and 56% of 12 to 34 years olds listen to podcasts on a monthly basis, it is clear that podcasts are here to stay.

What are the benefits of audio content? 

As we’ve identified, the way in which people consume content is changing. People are utilising things like their daily commute to listen to a podcast or an audiobook to gain a headstart on some tasks that they’ve never done before. 

Despite being a blog writing agency with our primary focus of content marketing strategy being the written word, we also realise that not everyone likes to read all of the time. Audio content offer ways to repurpose content in a format that attracts the same audience but in a more appealing way for some. 

Does this mean we’re saying you become a podcast host? Absolutely not. 

By using audio content you could reap the following benefits:

  • Attract members of the same target audience that do not enjoy reading
  • Differentiate your content from others
  • Add another layer of your brand’s personality
  • Utilising existing content which increases your efficiency and also grows your brand

How to convert your blogs into audio content? 

Sure you could create a podcast. However, it takes a lot of time and effort to do this. Look at the best podcasters out there, they put a tremendous amount of work into it and it is their day job. 

As content writer services, all of our customers have one same thing in common – blog writing is not their day job, it is the main reason that people seek content writing services. So to suggest that you repurpose your blog posts through becoming a podcast host would be somewhat counterintuitive. 

At Blog Writing Services UK, one of the features that all of our customers receive with a subscription to us is that we write all of their blogs with a Pocket integration setup.

Pocket is a clever application that allows you to send articles or pages from your browser direct to the pocket app and as a result, creates a very visually appealing and simple reading list for you to come back at a later date. 

However, one of the best features about the Pocket app is the listening feature. Instead of reading the post you’ve saved, you can listen to it instead. It doesn’t work with all articles, but it does for the ones we do. So instead of only appealing to readers, your same content which you publish on your site can also appeal to those 30 million people that currently use the Pocket app. 

Using the Pocket integration makes it a really easy, efficient and low effort way to convert your blogs to audio. 

Additionally, you can also install wordpress plugins that will generate your existing blog posts into podcasts. This is not our wheelhouse, but it is certainly a worthwhile area to look into. 

Content repurposing to video

Additionally, Forbes discuss how the pandemic has changed video content and consumption since the pandemic and how things like tik tok has grown from an unknown entity in 2018 to having over approximately 700 million users worldwide. 

Furthermore, have you had a look at the content available on YouTube today? You can literally find anything, from food eating challenges to educational videos. This has resulted in a surge in the number of users on a Youtube premium subscription.

Much like converting your blog posts into audio files or podcasts, you can do the same for videos. 

There are some really nice and creative ways to turn your blog posts into videos. 

One of the most simple things you can do is create a video recording of a member of your company reading your blog post in a script format. This can also be supplemented with whatever graphics the original blog post contained. 

Another way would be to make an infographic type video, where you build a presentation using something like PowerPoint or keynote and screen record the presentation. You can overlay music, or narratives as you desire.


Content repurposing is here to stay, and rightfully so. The effort you put into your content should not be wasted, especially if it can appeal to different audiences. Utilising concepts such as audio and video content repurposing as part of your blog writing strategy will inevitably improve your inbound marketing efforts.

Too many blog writers, content marketers and content marketing agencies get caught up in writing copy that appeals to “the algorithm” as opposed to providing valuable content that suits their target audience. If you have your target audience defined, that is a great first step to having a well-defined content marketing strategy, however, you should also be considering the way in which your target audience prefer to consume content and ensuring you have variety in your content distribution to meet all types of preferences and scenarios. 

If you want to find out more how we can help scale your business with blog writing get in touch today and we can provide some assistance. 

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